Saturday, February 20, 2016

Saturday Short

I want to show the rest of the world  that even though we live
in a refugee camp, and have different lives from others,
we still have dreams and ambitions.
~ Khaldiya, Syrian Refugee

Today's short, Another Kind of Girl, is a 9:55-minute documentary about life in a refugee camp. It is from the perspective of 17-year-old Khaldiya of Syria. Click the link above and watch and listen as Khaldiya describes how the experience of filming is changing her opinion of herself and what she describes as her "responsibility not just to tell the world [the] truth, but to let people see it for themselves."

Khaldiya's statement about making the film is published below the short.

My thanks to Khaldiya and The New York Times Op-Docs for making the short available.

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